44 night trial and free returns
67% will stop or reduce their snoring
Clinically researched foam technology
Designed by posture experts
How does it work?
You've tried 314 pillows that promised to help you stop snoring. None of them worked. Then you stumble upon this one, voted the #1 IndyBest Anti-Snore Pillow. So, how is this pillow different?
- We won't promise - but there's a 67% chance our method will stop or reduce your snoring
- It comes in four different sizes
- It's actually supportive.
How do you get started?
Step 1: Find your pillow size
Much like shoes, pillows come in different sizes to suit your size and shape.
When it comes to snoring though, our method will only work if you transition to side sleeping. Back sleeping is banned for snorers and stomach sleeping is banned in general - sorry!
Step 2: Optimise your sleeping position
Good sleep posture at night is the secret to a quiet night’s sleep.
Combine the optimised sleeping position with your new supportive pillow, and your partner might just be able to ditch the earplugs.
You can achieve good sleep posture by becoming a Dreamer.
Here’s how:
- Transition to sleeping on your side (either one is fine – we recommend alternating).
- Select the right pillow height for you (you've done this already, woohoo!)
- Stick your old pillow between your knees and ankles. This will help your hips remain neutral and help you achieve the optimum sleep posture
Sleep Posture Pillow
Your old pillow vs your new pillow
Who is optimising their sleep posture with Levitex?
What's the magic material?
Aren't we glad you asked! The material that helps us achieve the anti snoring properties is our very own, patented Levitex foam.
It's medium firm in feel and is designed to provide equal parts of postural management, pressure relief and proprioceptive feedback. The reduction in snoring is an added benefit that we discovered based on customer feedback after we've launched!
Why does pillow size matter?
Because we're looking to fill the space between your head and the bed properly. Get a size too small, and your head will drop in. Size too big, and you'll feel like you're sleeping on a step. To help snoring, we need to ensure that you're perfectly neutral - and the pillow height needed for this will be different for someone who's 6'2" vs someone who's 5'1".
What if I'm a back or stomach sleeper?
We will need you to transition to the Dreamer side sleeping position, with an old pillow between your knees and ankles. This position is the only one that gives our anti snore method a chance to work for you.
What if it doesn't work for me?
We have a 44 night trial and free returns in the UK - ensuring you can try out the pillow and make sure it does indeed work for you.
Is this different to your original pillow?
No - our pillow just has so many benefits, including reducing snoring, that we couldn't fit them all on one page.